
Fort Charlotte

I visited this old fort near Charlotte's Bay where sentinels would look out on the horizon to mark the approach of enemy ship that might want to take over the British (once Spanish) outpost known as Jamaica. The almond trees now stand guard as the old Spanish/English sentries once did. The cannons behind support their position, though no longer as ready as they once were to bombard the enemy with a volley of gunpowder and fire. The small openings now make cozy hang outs for lovers--whether of the sea or each other. It's perfect for granting both a vista onto the ocean (sea) and shade from the sun, and it's also perfect for shielding lovers as they enjoy a romantic experience in the old fort.

A Trip to YS Falls

The pristine, moss-covered rocks recalled something out of a creation story. The unspoiled look and feel of the rapids, the cool lap of the flowing water encouraged me to wash my cares and worries away in a place where time stood still. Photo Credit -